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You can also look here for numbers of Praktica's that have been sold over the years.

The underlined models have a picture attached to them

Contax/Pentacon Cameras (until 1959)

Contax S Cameras
 Model  Comments  Year
Contax S The original Contax S. The ancestor of the modern day 35mm SLRs. 1949
Contax D Labeled Contax but with a "D"(Dresden) under the Zeiss Ikon symbol. Flash sync socket moved to the top of the camera. Shutter less noisy 1954
Contax D Labeled Contax D with "VEB" under the Zeiss Ikon symbol 1952
Contax E Contax D with built-in meter 1955
Contax F Pentacon symbol instead of Zeiss Ikon. Automatic diaphragm (using same system as the Praktica FX2) 1958

Pentacon Cameras
 Model  Comments  Year
Pentacon F The same has Contax F. Automatic diaphragm 1959
Pentacon FM The same as Pentacon F, with split image rangefinder. Automatic diaphragm 1959
Pentacon FB Same as Contax E. Automatic diaphragm 1959

 Manufacturer  Model  Comments  Year
KW Praktiflex One of the first SLR cameras. First to use a prism (removable). 40mm screw mount lenses. 1939
Praktica series
 Manufacturer  Model  Comments  Year
KW Praktica SLR camera, optional Pentaprism (rare). The first to use M42 lens mount. The first to use the name "Praktica". Together with the Contax S, it is the ancestor of all Prakticas to come. 1949
KW Praktica FX The same as the Praktica. Addition of flash sync in most models. Many versions were made. Later models had an improved design viewfinder, similar to one of the FX2. 1951
KW Praktica FX2 The first camera in the world to use automatic diaphragm, the diaphragm was set to the working aperture when the shutter was released. Improved viewfinder. 1956
KW Praktica FX3 Same as FX2(?) 1956
Praktina series
 Manufacturer  Model  Comments  Year
KW Praktina FX Top of the line camera. Removable Pentaprism. Breech lock lens mount. One model was made with a built-in meter. 1956
Pentacon/KW Praktina IIa Improved Praktina FX. 1959
Praktica IV
 Manufacturer  Model  Comments  Year
KW/Pentacon    Praktica IV  Classic Praktica body design with built-in pentaprism.     1959

Praktica/Pentacon cameras (after 1959)

Praktica IV series
 Manufacturer  Model  Comments  Year
Pentacon Praktica IV M Split Image Rangefinder. Pentacon version of the Pentacon IV. 1961
Pentacon Praktica IV B Built-in meter. 1961
Pentacon Praktica IV BM Split Image Rangefinder. Built-in meter. 1961
Pentacon Praktica IV F Ground glass focusing, Split Image Rangefinder 1962
Pentacon Praktica IV FB Ground glass focusing, Split Image Rangefinder. Built-in meter 1963
 Manufacturer  Model  Comments  Year
Pentacon Praktica V Split Image Rangefinder. Built-in Pentaprism. First SLR in the world to have a rapid return mirror. 1964
Pentacon Praktica VF The same as Praktica V with ground glass focusing. 1964
Pentacon Praktica V BM Praktica VF with built-in meter. 1964

Praktica Nova series
 Manufacturer  Model  Comments  Year
Pentacon Praktica Nova Completly new design. Only the shutter mechanism was mantained. 1965
Pentacon Praktica Nova B Praktica Nova with meter. 1965
Pentacon Praktica mat The first European camera with TTL metering. 1965
Pentacon Praktica Electronic The first camera in the world with an electronic shutter. Never entered production. 1966
Pentacon Praktica Nova I Praktica Nova, with new shutter mecahnism. 1967
Pentacon Praktica Nova IB Praktica Nova I with built-in meter. 1967
Pentacon Pentaflex SL Budget version of Praktica Nova I. Prism housed in a plastic(?) cover. It didn't have the Praktica name on it. 1967
Pentacon Praktica Super TL Simplified version of Praktica mat. 1968

Pentacon Super
 Manufacturer  Model  Comments  Year
Pentacon Pentacon Super Top of the line camera. Removable Pentaprism. 1966

Exakta RTL1000
 Manufacturer  Model  Comments  Year
Ihagee/Pentacon Exakta RTL1000 One of the last 35mm Exaktas. Ancestor of the Praktica VLC. 1969

L Type Cameras
 Model  Meter  Electric Lenses  Comments  Year
Praktica L No No The basic model no meter 1970
Praktica LLC TTL Yes TTL metering. Full aperture metering with electric lenses 1971
Praktica LTL TTL No TTL metering. Step down metering 1972
Praktica LB Non TTL No Uncoupled, non TTL meter 1972
Praktica VLC TTL Yes LLC with removable viewfinder. Viewfinder compatible with Exakta RTL1000 1974
Praktica L2 No No Improved Praktica L. Multi Coated lenses 1975
Praktica LTL2 TTL No Improved Praktica LTL. Multi Coated lenses 1975
Praktica PLC2 TTL Yes Improved Praktica LLC. Multi Coated lenses 1975
Praktica VLC2 TTL Yes Improved Praktica VLC. Multi Coated lenses 1975
Praktica EE2 TTL Yes Aperture priority with electric lenses. Top of the line camera. 1977
Praktica MTL3 TTL No Third generation LTL 1978
Praktica PLC3 TTL Yes Third generation LLC 1978
Praktica VLC3 TTL Yes Third generation VLC 1978
Praktica EE3 TTL Yes Same as EE2.Aperture priority with electric lenses. 1978
Praktica MTL5 TTL No Fourth(?) generation LTL 1983
Praktica MTL5b TTL No Fifth(?) generation LTL 1985
Praktica MTL50 TTL No Led information in the viewfinder. Otherwise the same as the MTL5b. The last of the screw mount Prakticas 1985

You can also look here for numbers of Praktica's that have been sold over the years.

(This page comes from the Praktica B site, see links section.)